Worthy of note from the service, is to take prayer to the streets by going to and registering your street so that all around the world can pray for each other. Check it out!
"E PULE KAKOU" (''Let's all pray" in Hawaiian)
It's been another amazing week of learning for not only me, but for our entire CDTS team. I won't go into detail about the teachings here on my blog, as much of it needs to be in context, and our speaker Bill Payne taught us for 5 days. How could I possibly convey all that I learned from this amazing man. Perhaps though, I should at least mention that I came here for "undistracted devotion to God" and this week, my revelation was that HE is devoted to ME (and you) - and the word distraction is not even in His vocabulary!
There is an incredible love here at the UofN for all nations and all cultures, and we are challenged to do new things in new ways in new places. We find, though, that it is a small world - I keep running into people who know family and friends back home, and of course am making new friends from 37 different countries.
So, the studying continues and one of my biggest challenges is finding a quiet, uninterrupted place to do my many hours of reading, writing, memorizing and devotions. Our room is a beehive of activity (with 5 women....what can I say), so I have resorted to going to the ocean and sitting on the barrier wall. I know many of you will say, "yeah right, a big hardship" and it isn't except for hauling books, supplies, water, etc and then trying to write with the moisture and breeze in the air. I am not complaining at all, just trying to paint a picture of what it's like. Here's a photo of where I spent some homework time this week:
Speaking of photo's, here are a couple of things I saw this week that I couldn't get my camera out fast enough for:
- a white car with big, black eyelashes radiating from the headlights (these weren't painted on the car, they were flipping in the breeze)
- a huge dog sitting in the back seat of a convertible with 18-inch bunny ears attached to his head
I certainly did a double-take for both of those, and laughed out loud each time!
A really neat encounter this past week:
I was walking at dusk, which is my habit, and passed a homeless man - yes even in Hawaii! He had matted, long hair and his skin was all in sagging wrinkles from having lost absolutely all weight except what would cover his bones. His fingernails were probably 4 inches long - curled due to their length and a dirty tan colour. His toenails were only slightly shorter, but much dirtier than that. It looked like he was carrying all of his prized possessions in the small bag on his back. I was stunned and speechless. I wanted to say something to him, but had no words. Then, the next day in class, our speaker Bill, talked of how precious we all are - so precious that Jesus gave every drop of His blood for us. I realized that I could have said that to that homeless man.
Well, 2 days later I was walking along the waterfront, and a different man (this one a black man) called out to me and came rushing up to me. "Can I ask you one question?" he said. I initially felt a recoiling in my heart and even a certain degree of fear, and I wanted to just brush past him. Then I remembered what Bill had said and I wanted to say it to this man, but first I needed to honour his question. So I said, "Yes". He said, "What is your name?". Surely not the question I expected (I assumed he was going to ask me for money), so I told him. He said, "June, you are beautiful!" Okay, wait a minute!!! I was supposed to speak into his life, and here was a dirty, lost, homeless man telling me how precious I was! I asked him his name, and he said "David" (which because of someone special in my life, I knew the meaning of). So I said, "David, do you know your name means Beloved?". He took my hand and kissed the back of it, then we smiled, said "thank you" and parted ways. Here we were showing Christ's love without even mentioning His name!
Please take from this whatever fits in your life right now.
And on the comical side: I was taking a shortcut through a back alley (it was daylight, so I felt safe) and there was a fellow on a motorbike that obviously wouldn't start. The bike wasn't a Harley, but close in size, and this man had feet on either side and trying to "walk" it along while sitting on it. I asked him if he was out of gas; he said no, there was a problem with the starter. I suggested a push, he hesitated, and I insisted. So here I am bent over, running along with both hands on the back of the seat, pushing this huge bike (and I'm thoroughly having a blast). The bike suddenly starts with a deafening noise and off he rides (no helmuts here, by the way) with him waving and calling thank you. I chuckled to myself for half a block after, imagining what some of my friends would have said had you seen me.....
From your left to right
Back Row: Ok, Stephnie, June
Front Row: Eunice, Michelle
By the way, this was taken at 6:00 am today...
Speaking of my roommates: They had French Toast the other day, and were saying how they like "maple syrup". I looked at the package and it said "corn syrup, sugar, carmel colour, and a bunch of unpronounceable names". I told them THIS is NOT maple syrup!!! So, here is a call if you want to do something kind for these "non-Canadian's". If you feel the urge and want to ship some REAL Canadian Maple Syrup (with real Canadian love!) for them to sample, you are invited to do so! There is no food here for me to put Maple Syrup on, and I never even thought to bring some with me.
If you are interested, here is where to send it:
Box 430
University of the Nations
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy.
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740-2199, U.S.A.
Please DO NOT put "P.O." before the "Box 430" -- this confuses the downtown post office.
How do I end this except with one of our gorgeous Hawaii sunsets!
Good night; sweet dreams!