Phnom Penh - old & new
Yes! We made it to Kona after almost 40 hours of travelling time.
Pastor Sokun seeing us off at the airport
Some of team waiting at the airport
We were all extremely exhausted but once we got to the YWAM base, we had to retrieve our linens and Hawaii-appropriate-wear from storage, then locate our new dorm for the next few days, make our beds, then have supper. I finally crashed at 8:30pm and didn't wake up at all until 8:00 the next morning. We had our debriefing meeting starting at 9:00, so we were all rushing around to be ready in time. Ironically, because the two teams had been together in Phnom Penh for a few hours and then travelled together as a re-united class, we had already done a lot of catching up. However, it was important that we sit in an organized fashion with our school leaders and everybody hear each person's reflections and experiences. We have three mornings of these meetings, with our afternoons being filled with either one-on-one interviews, or small group sessions, or (hallelujah!) FREE TIME!
Now, what would a person do with their free time in Hawaii? Well, because I was so exhausted and needed some quiet time, I headed down to the nearest beach and slept in the sun for a few hours. I made sure I was well-sunscreened, as in Cambodia, due to the extreme heat, a person avoids being in the sun. Therefore, I had lost my Kona tan. Below is a photo of Sasi & Eunice basking in the shade as they insist they don't need any colour (Sasi is Malaysian/Indian & Eunice is a Korean).
Wednesday night, we had an ice cream social where our DTS Completion Certificates were handed out. Thursday night, we have our Ohana Court worship celebration, and Friday most of us head for home.
Many of you have wondered what the culture shock will be like for all of us. I think that mine began when we got on the airplane in Phnom Penh. We flew back with Korean Airlines, and as I mentioned in one of my other posts, they know how to treat travellers. They have service-plus, still feed you (we had a total of 3 full meals), and still hand out blankets, pillows, headsets. So it felt a little overwhelming.
View of Korean Airport (Incheon) from my temporary room
However, the biggest shock was when we got to Seoul, Korea where we had a 12-hour layover. We had been told that Korean Airlines would provide a room for us to rest in. Now, after living in community for the past 5 months, we're all thinking one room for all of us to share. Well, it ended up being the Hyatt Regency (a 5-star hotel), with each of us having our own room, with fluffy white robes, luxurious comforters and amazing pillows. I had the best sleep that I've had in years! In our hotel room in Cambodia only 24 hours before I had killed a cockroach whose body (not including it's antenna and legs) was the size of the palm of my hand and here I was in accommodations fit for royalty!
They also gave us two meal vouchers for their restaurant. These vouchers were for $27 each (and the cheapest thing on their menu certainly did start at $27!) That in itself was a shocker, as we had been feeding an entire team of 11 people for $20-25 per meal. We felt so humbled with the difference in economy. Interesting how it is more of a shock coming back to "having" than it is to go to "not having".
But there are similarities between our two worlds - Most importantly is that relationship is what God created us for and therefore what we should value most. No material possession is as important as that.
On our last night in Cambodia, we saw a beautiful rainbow, and then tonight at our celebration night (and last night together as a team) we saw another one. It's a wonderful sign of hope from God for the whole world. And a neat affirmation to what our team had called ourselves when we began way back in April: a "Rainbow of Hope for Cambodia".
Cambodia rainbow
Kona rainbow
So, it won't be long and I will be back in Red Deer with many things to catch up on and a future to work out. I had been invited to staff at the next YWAM Crossroads DTS; however, it meant being back in Kona by September 9 and being away from home for another 5 months. So I have declined for this term, but I am keeping my ears and heart open to what God has next for me.
Thanks again for following my journey via this blog, and for your continued prayers and support. There was such comfort for me knowing that each of you was checking in. It made the time spent posting on this blog so worthwhile. See you soon!!
Love & Hugs!