Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Part 2 of last Post

Hello Again!
Before I add the photo's I ask anyone who is reading this to pray for two of our team members. One of them is Judy, who is on our Sihanoukville team 6 hours south of us. Judy is 74 years old and is in amazing physical condition; however, she has been sent to Bangkok Hospital in Thailand due to swelling in her leg. She is diabetic, and we're not sure whether it's from that or from some sort of bite, but it has turned to cellulitis.
Also, for Jeff, who is on our Kampong Thom team. Jeff's leg was amputated a year ago after a motorbike accident and he has major swelling right now on the stump. It is apparently fluid, but he is struggling with it, as his prothesis creates pressure against the area.

Enjoying food & fellowship with our Cambodian friends at the welcome home celebration at Peter's home for two of their youth just home from DTS
Some of us with Pastor Sakun (far right), Peter (front) & Peter's Mom

Eight-church Prayer Meeting

Medical Mission:
Started out as Mission Impossible,
as the key to the school room was lost.
So this is the Cambodian version of a locksmith:
Use the axe of course!!!

We're IN & setting up

Dr. Harvey and his translator
The "Pharmacy"

Praying for the patients

Performing a special number at church

Three of us doing a skit

Last day of teaching English to the older girls at Kook Gneun
(note the cows in the background in photo on left)
I will miss these sweet young ladies
Okay! That's the end of Part 2 of the last post. I hope to do another post very soon, as we leave for Phnom Penh on Friday and I won't have easy access to internet there. There has been a lot more happening, and I can hardly wait to share some of it!


  1. Very Sweet Young ladies - all of them in the picture !

  2. You are surrounded by love every where you go. You are such a blessing to all!!
    Miss you!
