Saturday, May 21, 2011

ALOHA from YWAM Kona!
I was thinking of the number of times I encountered people on the street in my first few weeks here and realize that the first month was very much about looking outside of myself. These past few weeks have been about looking WITHIN ourselves, so there haven't been as many opportunities for me to meet new people off-campus. As well, we have been encouraged to develop relationship with those we are sharing these 5 months with, which means I shouldn't be off by myself so much. There is a lot of energy and reflection needed for this, so it hasn't left much opportunity (nor time) for the type of exploring I did at the beginning of my time here.

We've had a pretty big change in plans this week. Our Outreach location is now Cambodia rather than the original location in Asia. Our team will fly there together, and then we will split into two groups: one team will go to Sihanoukville (which is a fishing village) and one team will go to Kampong Thom (which is a farming village). I'll give as much information as I can prior to our departure June 29. Unfortunately, there will be little or no internet access there. I will try to figure out how to get updates to you though.

Sihanoukville is located on the Gulf of Thailand near Kampong Saom (on the map on the left). Kampong Thom is located almost directly in the middle of Cambodia to the East of the Tonle Sap Lake. I tried putting a map of Cambodia on my Blog, but I wrestle with this program every once in a while, and it often wins! Here's a website:

The temperatures will be about 32 Celsius and it is monsoon season, which will mean rain for a few hours every day. Apparently that's good news as it helps the heat, but not-so-good news as it makes it VERY humid, not to mention MUDDY.

Now that our location has been confirmed, we have started intensive Outreach preparations, which will continue as part of our training for the next 6 weeks.

Our speaker this week, Don Stephens, taught us much this week on Grace, The Kingdom of God, and Worldview. He is an incredibly creative man with a heart like Jesus. Most of us had swollen (aching) brains by the time Friday came around, as Don has done so much research and has so much knowledge and wisdom to impart. He challenged us to think in ways that we hadn't before and to consider new ways to spread the Good News, which is important for us prior to going on Outreach.

View of our classroom from the back, including our "snack table"
(we have our break outside)

With his search for ways to share God's glory, Don uses many examples of movie clips that portray his message. "The Butterfly Circus" is an extraordinary 20-minute film, featuring Nick Vujicic, the young Australian man, who was born with no arms and no legs. You'll need kleenex, but be prepared to feel good about life at the end of the film. Unfortunately, I could only find it in two parts on YouTube, but here are the links to copy and paste into your browser:

Part 1 (10 minutes)

Part 2 (10 minutes)

Back at home, there is some news as well! Kevin & Becky have successfully opened their coffee shop in downtown Red Deer. It's in a double decker bus, and located on Gaetz Ave (the one way heading north) on the right hand side a couple of blocks south of City Hall. Check it out if you get a chance! TRAPTOW'S COOL BEANS! 4619 - 49 Avenue.

I had a nice visit this week with a young Korean girl who spent 9 months at the YWAM base in Blackfalds and knows my daughter Danielle & Tyman and girls. It gave me a surprise when she first approached me several weeks ago and asked me if I was Danielle's Mom (out of context, as I didn't know she was going to be here). Here I am with Hyo.

This next photo is of Don (who is in my class) and his wife Shelley who are from Manitoba. They are the parents of Kim - she and her husband Adam, work with Danielle & Tyman at YWAM Blackfalds as well! Small world!

Must sign off now - it's Saturday night, and homework beckons (life has changed!)


  1. A diligent student, a servant of Christ you are ! "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a worker that that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" 2 Timothy 2:15 As you are studying there, we miss you here ! David

  2. Even from far away you are super supportive - one of our biggest fans! :) Who knew - an advertisement on your blog!!! I love you!

  3. June - I can't wait to join you one day for coffee at Traptow's Cool Beans. Kent can picture exactly where Kevin and Becky's double decker bus is located just from your description. Pretty neat, huh!?! Thank you for sharing the links to "The Butterfly Circus." Victoria, Madison, Carson and I shared an incredible discussion thanks to the thought provoking message that story conveyed. I was deeply moved by the beauty of the flashback scene where we witness firsthand what the power of unconditional love can deliver us out of. I managed to hold back tears until the final scene where for the first time a mother witnesses hope in the eyes of her crippled son as he embraces one who overcame an obstacle greater than his own. "There are persons so radiant, so genial, so kind, so pleasure-bearing, that you instinctively feel in their presence that they do good; whose coming into a room (or in your case June onto my computer screen) is like bringing a lamp there." -Henry Ward. Thank you for being a light of God's love to everyone no matter where you travel in this coincidentally small world (Don and Shelley). Sihanoukville won't know what hit it when you and your team arrive. They'll want to know where the light in your eyes and the love in your huge compassionate heart came from. Can't wait to hear what you share with them. Hugs and Beans, July
